Monday, June 11, 2012

The Milesian Genealogies:By M.O’Neill 

I.     Adam  (Abrahamic Genealogy)
II.     Seth   (Abrahamic Genealogy)
III.     Enos    (Abrahamic Genealogy)
IV.     Cainan   (Abrahamic Genealogy)
 V.     Mahalaleel   (Abrahamic Genealogy)
VI.     Jared    (Abrahamic Genealogy)
VII.     Enoch     (Abrahamic Genealogy)
VIII.     Methuselah  (Abrahamic Genealogy)
IX.     Lamech   (Abrahamic Genealogy)
 X.     Noah      (Abrahamic Genealogy)
XI.     Japheth     (Abrahamic Genealogy)
XII.     Gomer (Iovan): The son of Japheth identified with the migratory Cimmerians of Assyrian inscriptions circa 720 BC. (Abrahamic Genealogy)
XIII.     Baath (Boad) (Abrahamic Genealogy)
XIV.     Feinius Farsaid, King of Scythia (Alanius): The legendary king of Scythia who is well recorded in the Irish mythologies and versions of their history. He was the son of Baath who was a son of Magog. Magog is the second of the seven sons of Japheth. According to Josephus he identified Magog as the progenitor of the Scythians, a name used in ancient times for peoples north of the Black Sea. Jordanes in his work Getica, circa 551, mentions Magog as ancestor of the Goths. According to Johannes Magnus Magog had migrated to Scandinavia eighty eight years after the flood, and his five sons were Suenno, Gog, Ubbo, Thor, and German.
XV.     Nél (m. Scota, d. of Pharaoh): Nél according to the myths journeyed to the Tower of Babel. Nél then married Scota, daughter of Pharaoh Cingris of Egypt, and their son was Gaedel Glas.
XVI.     Gaedel Glas
XVII.     Esru
XVIII.     Sru
XIX.     Heber Scot
XX.     Boamain
XXI.     Ogamain

XXII.     Tat

XXIII.     Agnomain
XXIV.     Lamhfionn
XXV.     Eber Glunfhind
XXVI.     Agni
XXVII.     Febric Glas
XXVIII.     Nenuall
XXIX.     Nuada
XXX.     Allot
XXXI.     Ercha
XXXII.     Death
XXXIII.     Brath
XXXIV.     Breoghan
XXXV.     Bile
XXXVI.     King Milesius of Spain: Milesius married Scota Tephi Princess of Egypt, daughter of Nectonibus, Pharaoh of Egypt. Pharaoh Nectonibus II was said to have ruled from 380 – 363 B.C.
XXXVII.      Heremon: was the 7th son of Milesius of Spain believed to have been born in Galicia, Spain. Heremon became the King of Munster, and ruled sometime in 1698 or 1700 B.C died in 1683 B.C. at Rath-Beothaight, Argat-Ross, Ireland. Heremon began his reigned for fourteen years, and was succeeded by three of his four sons, named Muimne, Luigne, and Laighean, who reigned jointly for three years.
   I have pointed this out already that Milesius was in Egypt circa 380 – 363 B.C. yet Heremon is written to be in Ireland circa 1698 B.C. a total of 1,300 + years early he is said to have ruled Ireland. 

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