Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Royal House of O’Neill? By M.O’Neill

Many of the Irish families or surname clans were members of the Ui Néill, tracing their descent to a mythical King named Niall of the Nine Hostages also known, as Niall Noígallach, yet the O'Neill Royal dynasty took their name from Niall Glúndub mac Áedo. I believe that all scholars and everyone that has studied the Royal House of O’Neill will agree and come to the common consensus, but you still have those people out there that still want to the O’Neill’s to be part of the Ui Neill dynasty.

I think I have explained enough about Niall Glundubh mac Áedo and the overlooked statement in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles:
A.D. 921 And all the army in East-Anglia swore union with him; that they would all that he would, and would protect all that he protected, either by sea or land.  And the army that belonged to Cambridge chose him separately for their lord and protector, and confirmed the same with oaths, as he had advised.  This year King Edward repaired the town of Gladmouth; and the same year King Sihtric slew Neil his brother.
Annals of Ulster

In 919 The heathens won a battle against the Irish at Duiblinn in which fell Niall Glúndub son of Aed, king of Ireland, in the third year of his reign, on the fourth feria, the eighteenth of the Kalends of October 14 Sept., and here fell also Aed son of Eochucán, king of Conchobor's Province, and MaelMithig son of Flannacán, king of Brega, and Conchobor grandson of Mael Sechnaill, heir designate or king of Temair, and Flaithbertach son of Domnall, heir designate of the North, and the son of Dub Sínaig, i.e. MaelCraibe, king of Airgialla, and many other nobles.—The battle of Áth Cliath won by the foreigners.

I believe that we can all say that Sigtrygg Cáech was the Norse King of Dublin who later reigned as King of York, and it was him that killed Niall Glundubh mac Áedo. In a warfare that is recorded to have occurred in 918, and in 919. But this is not the only problem with the Royal House of O’Neill pedigree! We have according to the Lebor Eoghanach it clearly stating that Aodh Athlaman is said to be the last of his race! Anyone with a common sense would ask. How the hell the Royal House O’Neill’s could have been the descendants from someone who was the last of his race? And if this is true then this would mean very likely that they were not the same as the others within the O’Neill clan.

The truth is that from the years of 1036 to 1177 the O’Neill’s genealogy of pedigree is not really known that is over 140 years!!!! Let’s say an estimated 4 generations. For any O’Neill to claim to be from the Royal House O’Neill, because he tests positive for the SNP M222 is total ignorance and stupidity. We have O’Neill’s of the SNP M405/S21/U106 R1b1a2a1a1a; O’Neill’s of the SNP L21/S145/M529 R1b1a2a1a1b4 (4,000 ybp.); O’Neill’s of the SNP S28/U152 R1b1a2a1a1b3 (3,500 ybp.); O’Neill’s of the SNP P312/S116R1b1b2a1b (5,300 ybp.); also O’Neill’s that belong to the Haplogroup I etc. 

There is also the Feardorcha “Matthew” O’Neill Bloodline that produced one of the greatest O’Neill’s of all time, yet he is said to be the bastard son of a John Kelly, and considered not to be a true O’Neill by many in Ireland. There are also various off shoots and clans of the Royal Tyrone House of O’Neill and then the Clannabuidhe O’Neill’s etc. 

The facts are that a simple independent test of the y-dna, of many of the O’Neill ancient remains, and the coming forward of a few males of the O’Neill’s of the Fews in Spain and Clannabuidhe in Portugal  will be very beneficial to finding and finally putting an end to the foolishness of many. All sort of NPE (Non Paternal Events) could have occurred with the Royal House O’Neill, and this is including the arrival of the Normans in Ulster, during a period when the Royal House O’Neill clan pedigree is very dubious. But still you have every O’Neill claiming to be a descendant of the Royal Tyrone House of O’Neill, honestly the SNP and Haplotype of the Royal Tyrone House of O’Neill is not known. And definitely regardless what some believe the M222 Niall of the Nine Hostages may not be it!  

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