Tuesday, October 12, 2010

L48/S162 O'Neill's of Puerto Rico

Origins of the SNP L48 is not clear known. What is know is that is associated with a Germanic origin. The age of L48 is speculated to be around 2,900 - 3,100 years old. This bloodline of the O'Neill's of Puerto Rico is defined by unique values at certain markers .

DYS 390 = 23 , DYS 439 = 11 , DYS 389-2 = 29, DYS 447 = 24 , DYS 449 = 28 , DYS YCA II b = 21, DYS 456 = 13, DYS 459 = 19, DYS 537 = 11 , DYS 534 = 17

L48 is associated with a Germanic origin but it's not known if it represents a East Germanic tribal origin, These were the tribes who immigrated from Scandinavia into the area between the Oder and Vistula rivers between 600 - 300 b.c. later futher south . Among these tribes where said to be the Goths a hetrogenous East Germanic Tribe who later reached what was known as Scythian on the coast of the Black Sea and in later centuries conquered Northern Spain.

If one believes the Irish myths and legends of the a aristrocratic Scythian tribe named the Milesians whose origins are said to be in Scythia , the island of Gothinia (Gotland), and Northern Galicia . One would believe this to be evidence. But facts are not based on myths and legends like some out there who still believe these Irish legends has fact when it seems that the Irish scribes used the Historia de Regibus Gothorum , Vandalorum et Suevorum has a blue print for their Milesian genealogies and legends.

There are two theories one is a NPE (Non Paternal Event) involving the Dubh Lochlannaigh, the black Scandinavians or the Finn Lochlannaigh, the fair strangers. For the O'Neill's of Puerto Rico L48 / S162 SNP. This event would have occured around 850 - 1000 a.d. this is where the y-dna most recent common ancestor (MRCA) and matches stop. The nearest matches are 4 people one from the Shetland islands , another from northern Finland , and Norway and the last in Ulster. What is different among the O'Neill's of Puerto Rico and other O'Neill's is their past history of sea piracy and military exploits and their fondness for settlement on islands.

One account that is intersting is that in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles that describe

914 Neil king was slain by Sihtric his brother
921. Here sihtric king slew Neil his brother.

Only Neil King Sigtrygg Caech, also known as Sihtric killed was Niall Glundubh MacAedo at the battle of Kilmashoge near Dublin in 917 or 919.

A interesting figure in all this is Amlaib Conung, King of the Lochlainn, said in the Fragmentary Annals to have been a son in law of Aed Finnlaith MacNeill, the father of Niall Glundubh MacAedo. Others belive that Amlaib Conung wife was the daughter of Cinaed MacAlpin, also known as Kenneth MacAlpin. Niall Glundubh MacAedo's mother was written to be Mael Muire the daughter of Kenneth MacAlpin.

During the period after the death of Niall Glundubh MacAedo is when the Irish under Muirchertach ' of the leather cloaks ' MacNeill son of Niall Glundubh MacAedo they begin to build naval fleets like the Danes and start to attack into the Hebrides. Aed Finnlaith " The fair warrior" is one of the first Irish chiefs to seek alliances with the Norse during his military exploits.

Currently a group of MacLochlainn's in Ireland have been tested and are L48/ S162 SNP positive they are current members of the MacLaughlinn Surname dna project. This is very interesting and can futher shed light into the SNP L48 in Ireland.

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