It’s a shame, and pathetic that one of the most powerful and
famous clans in Irish history without a doubt currently has not one of its so
called Chiefs of its respected clan not y-dna tested. Recently an author
claimed that his grandfather was the eldest son of King George V of England the
author convinced that a descendant of Prince Albert obtain a y-dna test and he
did with his results being of the SNP U106/S21 with new reported test being of
positive for the SNP subclade of Z305.
We are talking about one of the most powerful Royal House in Europe the
House of Saxe – Coburg – Gotha and going further back to the House of Wettin a
dynasty of German counts with their progenitor being Thiedericus I of Liesgau.
The O’Neill’s of Puerto Rico those within the SNP L48 do
share a common ancestor with the Royal House of Saxe-Coburg- Gotha within 6,000
years at the moment and that is all. Since their Royal House is negative for
the L48 SNP.
A tremendous credit must be given to these men of The Royal
House of Wettin that underwent a y-dna test to find out their ancestry and
uncover new things in history. That can’t be said about the O’Neill’s of
Clannabuidhe , The Sevilla O’Neill’s of the Fews, The Asturian O’Neill’s of the
Fews, The O’Neill’ s of France , and every other O’Neill clan that claims any
royal ancestry. They should be ashamed of themselves!!!
This raises a lot of questions and doubts on the legitimacy
of the O’Neill Clan Chiefs with their refusals to obtain a simple y-dna test
when members of one of the most historic Royal Houses in Europe are willing to
obtain a y-dna test. Are you going to tell me that we know that the Royal House
of Saxe – Coburg – Gotha SNP is U106/S21, andtheir Haplotype is known, and the
O’Neill’s Chiefs still are so petty and scared to make their y-dna public or
undergo a y-dna test? I find it very pathetic at best in 2012 with all the
current y-dna testing commercial and private. Sadly the true SNP’s of the
various clans of with the O’Neill surname will not be known by help of the
established clans like the O’Neill’s of the Fews or the O’Neill Clannabuidhe,
but possibly by some obscure event or finding. One thing that doesn’t change is
that the further I obtain y-dna test the harder it is will be for anyone
outside our bloodline to match us unless they share the same common ancestor.There
is no O’Neill’s within the United States of America, Australia, Ireland, and
England to expect any common ancestors. The only places that we may find a common relative is in Spain, Sweden, Germany,
Denmark, Iceland, Norway and other islands in the Caribbean.
Currently I underwent new test SNP test for L44 -, L148 -,
and L188- and tested negative The O’Neill’s of Puerto Rico remain with the SNP L48
(R1b1a2a1a1a5b2 L48/S162) until I undergo further test
for the Z SNP’s. I was told by FTDNA that it’s very likely that I belong to an
obscure SNP that is, yet to be discovered.
Again since this a solo effort
on my part I can only do but so much and only time will tell what it’s to be