A research into all of the O'Neill's of Puerto Rico and the O'Neill's in the Caribbean , Spain , France and the Netherlands.
Friday, October 9, 2009
O'Neill's of Martinique : Counts of Tyrone
-Patrick (Patricio) O'Neill, born in 1622 in Holland or possibly on trhe island of Mallorca , Spain. He was recognized has the Comte De Tyrone. He married Catherine O'Dougherty.
Parents of
James O’Neill O’Dougherty is believed to have been born in Co. Mayo, Ireland in 1660. 2nd Comte De Tyrone died in Martinique.
Father of
Henry (Enrique) O’Neill born 1698 in Ireland other accounts say he was born in 1688 .The 3rd Comte De Tyrone. He migrated to island of Martinique with his father. Henry O’Neill married Rose Plissonnean in September 25, 1724 at the age of 36. It’s believed that he died in the year of 1756.
Father of
1. Matthieu O’Neill Plissonnean who is said to have died young.
2. Jacques Henry O’Neill Plissonnean , 4th Comte De Tyrone speculated to have been born in 1728. Married Mary Anne Teyssier.
(One accounts has Jacques Henry O’Neill Plissonnean and Mary Anne Teyssier the parents of Paul Francis O'Neill Teyssier who married Anne Loiusa Hurlott parents of James O'Neill Hurlott who married Anne Modeste Hugonnec parents of Francis Henry O'Neill Hugonnec who married Hermie de la Ponce. Francis Henry O'Neill Hugonnec had a younger brother named Julien O'Neill Hugonnec.)
3. Jean Laurent O’Neill known has the Viscomte De Tyrone who militarily served in Regiment of Dillon.
Jacques Henry O’Neill Plissonnean
Father of
1. Jacques O’Neill Teyssier . Died in 1780.
2. Paul Francois Henry O’Neill Teyssier, Known has the 5th Comte De Tyrone was born in 1749. Was married to Louisa Hurlot.
3. Louis Henry O’Neill Teyssier.
4. Henry Laurent O’Neill Teyssier. Who served Served in Regiment of Walsh.
Paul Francois Henry O’Neill Teyssier and Louisa Hurlot .
Parents of
1. Jacques O’Neill Hurlot, the 6th Comte De Tyrone born in 1765 died in 1839. Resided on the island of Martinique in the Caribbean . Was married to Anne Modeste Hugonnoc.
2. Francois Henry O’Neill Hurlot . The Viscomte De Tyrone. Died in 1858.
Jacques O’Neill Hurlott and Anne Modeste Hugonnoc became the parents of
1. Lois Jacques Tiburce O’Neill Hugonnoc. Known has the 7th Comte De Tyrone it is said that he was unmarried in 1859.
2. Francois Henry O’Neill Hugonnoc .Known has the 8th Comte De Tyrone. Born on the island of Martinique in 1812 it’s believed he died after 1887. Was married to Hermoine De La Ponce.
3 .Julien O’Neill Tiburce O’Neill.
The descendants of Patrick O'Neill lived on the island of Martinique for over 200 years and knew well the Caribbean like no other O'Neill's .
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Oxholm - O'Neill's of Denmark : Descendants of Lady Anne O'Neill O'Keffe of the Fews
Frederik Thomas, born 4/9 1801 died in 19/3 1871, Generalmajor, St. af D. og mehrere franz.. Orden, Regierungsraad, ehem. verschiedene Åmter i Vestindien, Gouverneur St. Thomas und Vicegouverneur ueber die vestindischen Besitzungen. Er wurde auch als uebergeordneter Gesandter zu Kaiser Maximilian von Mexico gesandt.
Carolina Augusta, born 24/5 1803, died in 1872, Hofdame bei der kgl. Høih. Prindsesse Charlotte, 1841 Hofdame bei der Kronprinsesse, Hofstiftsfraulein i Vallø.
Carl Arthur born in 15/9 1804, died in 19/7 1839, Forstcandidat, Premierlieutenant in der Gaarde, Kammerjunker, reiste 1824 nach Spanien, wo er zu Diensten bei der Koeniglichen Leibgarde beitrat und sich hervorragend bewehrte gegen Don Carlos im Spanischen Buergerkrieg . Er wurde Brigadegeneral, aber starb an den Verletzungen die er bei der Schlacht von Lucana erhielt.
Valdemar Tully, born in 11/11 1805, died in 3/8 1876, er wurde Leutnant bei der Gaarde zu Fuss , wurde dann nach Westindien gesandt zu Diensten des Daenischen Staates .Dort blieb er bis 1834 und wurde dann Gouverneur von Christian von Glücksburg ( Koenig Christian IX.) und Frederik von Hessen bei Aufenhalt an der Universitetet i Bonn. 1841 wurde er Committeret in die Generalzollkammer, 1843 Hofchef bei Kronprinz Frederik (Frederik VII.), 1848 Generalmajor, 1854 Daenischer Minister i London. Er beendete freiwillig seine Diplomatische Karriere 1857 und Oberhofmarschall bei Kong Christian IX. Er starb als Oberkammerherr und erhielt viele Orden. Er heiratete 1. Anna v. Rudlofff, 2. mit Marie Sophie Frederikke, Tochter von General Gerhard Christopher v. Krogh.
Harald Peter, born in 6/6 1807, died in 16/12 1869, entledigedes paa Ansøgning fra sin Stilling som Søofficer efter den første slesvigske Krig og døde som Kammerherre, R. af D. og fl. fr. Ordener og Eier af Taarnholm. Han var gift med Ellen O'Kelly, * 21/5 1813, † 6/5 1851. O'Kelly'erne ere af meget gammel irsk Adel. Kinder:
a. Mary Anne Eleonora Cathrine, f* 7/3 1841, Stiftsdame i Vallø.
b. Louise, born in 1/12 1843, gift 1871 med Capitain i Armeen Baron Emil Eric Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, f. 31/12 1837.
c. Alexander Tully, born in 5/3 1844, til Taarnholm, Hofjægermester, gift .11/1 1870 med Ane Christiane Vilhelmine Juliane, f. 20/1 1852, Datter af Lehnsgreve Jørgen Scheel til Estrup, blev separeret 1876; hun ejer nu Krummerup Kirkegods. Søn: Peter Harald Jørgen, f. 16/1 1871.
d. Georgine Emilie Adelaide, born in 10/4 1846 Hofdame hos Hds. Maj. Dronningen af Danmark, Stiftsdame i Vallø.
e. Elisabeth, * 13/4 1848, gift 21/5 1869 med Baron Christian Rosenkrantz, f. 2/7 1838.
Oscar Oxholm O'Neill
7. Oscar O'Neill, born in 28/4 1809, died 15/10 1871. Efter flere AarsTjeneste ved Fodgarden traadte han à la suite og var surnummerair Adjudant hos Frederik VII. fra 1848 til faa Aar før Kongens Død. Han døde som Generalmajor, Kammerherre, C. af D. og Eier af Rosenfeldt, hvor han opførte en ny Hovedbygning. Han var gift med Adelaide Morfa O'Kelly, f. 7/2 1817, til Rosenfeldt, Storgaarden og Marienberg. Kinder:
a. Carl Arthur George O'Neill, * 16/3 1843, Eier af Aunø, gift 1872 med Sophie Marguerite Bech, * 25/12 1850.
b. Fritz Johan Georg; * 23/4 1850, † 4/2 1878, dansk Jagtjunker, traadte i russisk Tjeneste og udmærkede sig i den russisk-tyrkiske Krig 1877-78, avancerede til Lieutenant i Cavalleriet og blev R. af St. Georgs Ordenen. Han blev saaret i Slaget ved Philippopel og døde kort derefter. Ved Meddelelsen om hans Død tilføjede den commanderende General: ”Nous perdons en lui un excellent officier, decore personnellement par 1'empereur pour distinction militaire”.
c. Oscar Siegfried Christian, * 31/1 1855.
Hilda Alphonsine Francisca, f* 6/4 1821, i Vemmetofte.
Peter L. Oxholm was the owner of the St. George Hill, Sally's Fancy ,and Hope plantations. He produced maps and writings in 1794 of the Danish West Indies. In 1814, he became General Governor of St. Croix , until 1816, when he became ill ,and had to traveled back with his family to Denmark.
(Many thanks to the info provided by J. Schmidt of Denmark)
O'Neill's of the Fews in Puerto Rico and St.Croix
In 1755, the 99 years lease on the lands of Sir. Henry O'Neill of the Fews , expired and these were in Meelick, Carrowrory and Carrowconnell. Sir. Henry (Enrique) O'Neill and his wife Hanna O'Kelly , the daughter of counsellor John O'Kelly of Keenagh, Co. Roscommon, moved his family to Spain about 1758 , and they became the parents of Don Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone, who was born in 1736, Dublin, Ireland. Later to be known by the title of the 1st Marques Del Norte and Governor of the Yucatan in 10.03.1792. (The successor of Don Jose Sabido de Vargas). Named Governor of West Florida and named into the Supreme Council of War of Spain (replacing Governor Miguel de Uztaraiz). His brother Lieutenant. Colonel. Niall 'Nicolas' O'Neill O'Kelly was born in 1734 ,and died at Saragossa,Spain. Don Tulio O'Neill O'Kelly married Catherine O'Keffe y Whalen, and became the parents of Arturo O'Neill O'Keffe, Anne O'Neill O'Keffe and Tulio O'Neill O'Keffe.
Don Tulio O'Neill O'Keffe was born in St. Croix in 1784, and later became a General , who won many distinctions during the Peninsular War. He married Manuela de Castilla, the daughter of a Spanish Nobel. They became parents of Don Juan Antonio Luis O'Neill, born in 1812, who married Dona Luisa de Salamanca. He later inherited his mothers titles in 1847, and then becoming the Marques de la Granja, Marques de Caltojar, Count of Benajiar and Marques de Valdeosera . From then on they are known as the O'Neill's of the Fews of Seville.
Don Arturo O'Neill O'Keffe was born 1783 in St. Croix, later will become a Lieut. Colonel in 17.08.1828, in Bayamon , Puerto Rico ,and a Knight of the Royal Order of King Carlos the 3rd of Spain, and recognized as the 2nd Marques del Norte. He died on Sept 7, 1832, and was buried in the Roman Catholic Church of Frederichriste , Saint Croix (Santa Cruz). He was married to Joanna Chabert Heyliger on April 19, 1802 in St. Croix.
(Lady Anne O'Neill O'Keffe, the daughters of Don Tulio O'Neill O'Kelly, married Don Peter Lotharius Oxholm b. 10.07.53 of Copenhagen , Demnark. )
The decendants of Don Arturo O'Neill O'Keffe of the Fews
Tulio Luis O'Neill y Chabert b. 17.06.1808 in St.Croix.
Arturo O'Neill y Chabert b. 25.08.1820 in Loyza, Puerto Rico and baptized in Loyza, Puerto Rico 07.09.1821.
Enrique O'Neill y Chabert
Felix O'Neill y Chabert
Micaela Ulpiana O'Neill y Chabert b. 03.04.1825 in Puerto Rico ,and baptized as the daughter of the Marques del Norte, in San Juan ,Puerto Rico.
Gonzalo O'Neill y Chabert b. 20.08.1829 Rio Piedras , Puerto Rico, and baptized in 31.03.1830, in San Juan, Puerto Rico .
Arturo Eustasio O'Neill Andino was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico 29.03.1857.
Arturo O'Neill Abajo was born in Madrid circa 1890, and died 3.012.1936 .
Arturo O'Neill Pecino, died at the age of 17 in 1.03.1937.
Diego Arturo Ricardo Próculo O'Neill Pecino, was born in 14.04.1922.
Arturo César O'Neill de Tyrone Daneyko, was born in Oviedo, Asturias, 9.10.1950.
Carlos O'Neill Pecino.
Margarita O'Neill Pecino.
Africa O'Neill Pecino.
Miguel O'Neill Pecino.
Luis O'Neill Pecino .
María del Rosario Magdalena O'Neill Abajo born in San Juan,Puerto Rico 22.07.1895.
"El 6 de diciembre de 1816, el sobrino del I Marqués del Norte, también llamado D Arturo O'Neill solicitó al rey se le expidiese la correspondiente carta de sucesión tras haber tomado posesión del vinculo ante D Joaquin Almazán del Consejo de S. M. y teniente corregidor en Madrid el día anterior según testimonio del escribano de Madrid, Antonio Lopez de Salazar. Previa la expedición de la real carta de sucesión pagó 20,361 reales y 3 maravedis por los derechos sucesorios. "
The O'Neill's of the Fews of Spain.
Much has been written, and alot has been speculated, and many time they have been celebrated as the O'Neill Mor's , but the reality is another. In my search for my own ancestry, I have came across Don Arturo O'Neill O'Keeffe , a man forgotten by history, and all the O'Neill's. His own descendants did not even know of his own origins, since all aclaim and titles went to his brother's descendants. The reality is that Don Arturo O'Neill O'Keeffe, was born in St. Croix 1783 ,and his brother Tulio O'Neill O'Keeffe born in 1784, when it was occupied by the Danish Crown. Their uncle Don Arturo O'Neill de Tyrone O'Kelly , Marquez del Norte gave his title of Marquez del Norte to Don Arturo O'Neill O'Keeffe.
We might be not the same genetically but we all share a common language , culture ,and our native land of Puerto Rico. Y-DNA evidence with genealogy, in combination, with oral history shows that not all the O'Neill's of Puerto Rico are related, or do they share a common ancestor. More Y-DNA samples are needed to see what O'Neill families are related which are not to each other. So far the Y-DNA samples shows that there seems to have been the adoption of the mother’s O’Neill surname, among some of the O’Neill’s in Puerto Rico. Other’s are from various Islands in the Caribbean, one of them Tortola, a Island that is close to St. Croix, but not the island Barbados that is closer to the Island of Martinique. Only two people have tested one is of the Hg R1b sub clade and another from the J2 Haplogroup. Oral history states that the progenitor of our line was a tall man of blue eyes and dark hair. He arrived in Puerto Rico, with his brother , and both were military men from Spain with Irish ancestry . There are said, to have fought, in the land were people wore Wooden Shoes and there were windmills. This very likely the Spanish Netherlands, what we known now as modern day Belgium . He was said to have been involved in Piracy and had a violent temper . In our family most males are between the height of 6 ft 4 inches and 5 feet 11 inches ( 193.04 centimeters to 180.34 centimeters )and weight around 230 lbs to 260 lbs. (average of 113 kilograms) . Often of a muscular built with broad shoulders and strong arms.
This family's oral history states that our origins are from a man named Edmundo , Eamon, or a Enrique Rua O'Neill ,who fought in the Spanish Netherlands . Also involved in piracy with men with such names as Rocco , possibly Richard or Ricard , Gill , possibly Guillermo , Juan, possibly Sean or John, and the head of the clan was a man named Conn or Constantino. This family was ruled by eight heads and all lived in one area were they would all meet after long campaigns or raiding. There are also accounts of a woman named Rose involved in the family or mother of my ancestor. These men had great knowledge of the sea and the Caribbean. It's believed Patricio O'Neill Garcia, had a brother possibly named Jose O'Neill Garcia , who left Puerto Rico never to return possibly migrated to one of the Neighboring islands or back to Spain or the Spanish Netherlands.
The only records are of a Edmond O'Neill , who died fighting against his cousin Hugh O'Neill, Earl of Tyrone. This Edmond, was the son of Shane 'Diomas' O'Neill, son of The First Earl , Con Bacagh (The Lame) O'Neill, who died in 1588. Some accounts have Edmund O'Neill (McShane) being hung by his cousin Earl Hugh O'Neill in 1602. Family oral history states that he died in a battle. There is also a woman named Rose or Rosa in the oral history, who was this woman? I have looked through all records to find a possible link . I have found many women among the O'Neill's named Rose. Rose the name of the sister of Edmond, who married into the McDonnell clan. Was one I found, there are also various Rose or Rosa O'Neill's.
1. Rose McGuiness who married Shane O'Neill , last of the lord of the Clanaboy of Shane's Castle.
2. Rosa O'Neill 1582- d. Nov 1st 1660 married Owen (Eugenio) Roe O'Neill parents oRose O'Neill of the Fews married a man named Phillip O'Reilly of Co. Cavan.
3. Rose O'Neill of the Fews 1672-1757 married a Maurice O'More of Co. Mayo.
4. Rose O'Neill daughter of Sir Henry O'Neill of Shane's Castle of the Clanaboy. She married The Earl of Antrim Randall McDonnell circa the 1600's.
5. Rose O'Donnell who married Art Oge O'Neill . She was the daughter of Don Manus O'Donnell , Lord of Tyrconnell.
6. Rose O'Neill , daughter of Teige O'Neill and Mary O'Donnell. She married a MacCallum of Scotland.
There is a distant Rose, associated with Henrietta O'Neill , daughter of Sarah O'Neill and Henry O'Neill. Henrietta O'Neill, was married Colonel John Comerford ,and were parents of a Jose Comerford y O'Neill. But time line of birth dates does not match , nor does the Y-DNA of the Comerfords.